Career Selection-A Basic Insight: Part 6

By: Satyendra Kumar Singh, Editor-ICN List of Courses LUCKNOW: Let us now move to examine and understand the commonly sought of courses and discuss about its description and other necessary information. Before we move on, let us assume that most of us pass out either in Arts, Science or Commerce group. The students who have passed their 12th with Arts as their stream have a variety of options for courses such as Social Sciences, Management, Hospitality, Journalism, Film-Making to name a few. The science stream mainly has three types of subject…

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Career Selection-A Basic Insight: Part 3

By: Satyendra Kumar Singh, Executive Editor-ICN Group LUCKNOW: The career guidance includes self-development, career exploration and career management. It also helps the people to identify and use their skills to go ahead with their career of interest. Thus, it can be said that career guidance helps in identifying interests and other traits that helps in selection of a profession. This guidance helps in preparation of resume, searching information for particular job and arranging for developmental workshops. The internships or apprenticeship training must be promoted as well. The industry and academics has…

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Career Selection-A Basic Insight: Part 2

By: Satyendra Kumar Singh, Executive Editor-ICN Group Evolution of the Concept of Career Counselling LUCKNOW: The main aim of a career counselling program is to provide step-by-step process that can gel with the school curriculum and pedagogy. Most of the schools these days are adopting career counselling as one of the vital tools for paving the right career paths for their students. The teachers and the associated staff should learn new approaches and activities involved into career assessment and counselling. Such tools should be implementable in classrooms and on various segments…

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Career Selection-A Basic Insight: Part 1

By: Satyendra Kumar Singh, Executive Editor-ICN Group Career is the base of your dreams; the dreams of the money, applause and any other materialistic or intangible assets you carry since your childhood. LUCKNOW: It is your career that marks your identity. So, it is not just a career but your investments for the whole of your life and aspirations of your family, parents, yourself and generations to come. So, think wise and act wiser. Most of us generally go for the conventional fields such as engineering, medical or management streams.…

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“Aren’t We Still Slaves When It Comes To Our Education System”

By: Garima Gaur, Asstt. Editor-ICN LUCKNOW: India is a land which gave birth to subjects like Mathematics, Science, Astronomy, Astrology etc.During our Vedic age when Gurukul system prevailed, students were getting skill based education, learning life skills and moral based education which helped them in building great character and leading a successful life. When the British came to India they introduced Missionary Schooling. As the name Missionary indicatesit came with a mission of spreading Christianity. They introduced three stages of education in India- 1. Primary 2. Secondary and 3. Higher education Their main aim was to spread Christianity and to maintain peaceful administration.As it is always observed that…

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Man With A Passion For Building Academic Institutions: Prof. K.V.Nagaraj

LUCKNOW/SHIMLA: Soft spoken, suave and intelligent Prof. K.V. Nagaraj is a man with a vision who believes that developing “centres of academic excellence” is more important than carving out a bright academic career. “Once you are able to establish an academic institution that promotes excellence, there will be no dearth of  bright academicians, explains Prof Nagaraj who has devoted  a major part of his academic career in building and grooming institutions of academic excellence. Prof. K.V.Nagaraj, Professor at Mizoram University and Former Pro Vice Chancellor, Assam University is an icon of…

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Dr. Sushil Solomon: An Agricultural Scientist of Great Repute

By: Dr. Mohammad Aleem, Editor-ICN Group NEW DELHI: Agriculture sector needs constant scientific and administrative attention. To ameliorate the bad conditions of farmers, who are forced to live in utter penury and hardship due to many natural and man-made disasters, such intervention and support is highly appreciable. We should salute to all those scientists, who in any way are contributing to make the lives of poor Indian farmers better. Sugar industry is also one of the major components of this important sector. Production of sugar is directly related to the…

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Solan: The Education Hub Of Himachal Pradesh

By: Vijay Kumar Verma, Editor-ICN Group  SHIMLA: With as many as 10 universities out of a total 17 private universities in the entire state, Solan district of Himachal Pradesh has the dubious distinction of being the largest educational hub offering vocational degrees, not only in the state but also in the entire country. What to talk of the district, the Solan town itself has four universities in a close proximity of few kilometers. In addition, Himachal Pradesh has 4 State Universities, 1 Central University and 1 Indian Institution of Technology as…

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Resiliency: The New Paradigm

By: Dr. Kumar Raka, Bureau Chief ICN DELHI & Abraham Jimenez TEL AVIV: The power of words cannot be underestimated. They constitute the tools that frame the reality of the human life. In a certain way, the moment a thought emerges out of a person in the form of words, it becomes real. Today, scientists strive to explain reality by measuring, describing, analyzing, comparing, and defining. However, the fact that they do not define yet a phenomenon does not invalidate its existence. On the contrary, their work provides a systematic…

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Atharva Group of Institute is celebrating 19 years of journey in Research, Technology & Innovation

Mumbai:  Atharva is celebrating 19 years of successful journey of imparting quality education o. On occasion of Completion of 19 Glorious Years of Atharva Group of Institutes, this Humanoid  6 feet Robot sculpture is Inaugurated by Shri. Sunil Rane ( Executive President of Atharva Group of Institutes ) and Varsha Rane and senior faculty. Atharva aspires to be a global leading center of excellence in Research, Technology, and Innovation that provides a transformative education to create the innovative leaders serving as a valuable resource for Industry and society. Atharva Group of Institutes is an organization to fulfill a…

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