Blog 2: 11 Myths About Choosing A Career

By: Rachna Mimani, Associate Editor-ICN 

KOLKATA: So your exam score card looks promising and you’re on the crossroads of life, weighing in each stream to pick the career meant for you. Keep your calm and walk yourselves through the following 11 myths of career selection to keep preconceived notions and failure at bay.

 1.Family or peers should pick a career for you

While they might have known you for long enough, you know your skills and weaknesses far better. Be brutally honest about your capabilities and narrow down a list of your options to the top three career choices. Once decided, approach a career consultant for guidance.

 2.Money and only money talks

Everybody wants financial stability, but job satisfaction is equally important to stay relevant as a professional in any field. If you sense a conflict of interest in your career and happiness in future, rethink despite being promised a handsome pay package.

 3.A great resume guarantees placement

A candidate’s worth is put to test during an interview wherein past credentials only make way for a one-on-one dialogue. Be knowledgeable and work on practical solutions to your credentials on paper, so that your interviewer realizes your capability on-field.

 4.Experience is measured only by how long you work in an organization

There are people working for decades with a brand happily and there are those who don’t. There are also people changing jobs frequently. You can avoid being part of the second lot if you evolve as a professional either in one organization or derive cumulative experiences from different organizations in your career.

 5.Dedicated professionals sacrifice hobbies for career

Even if you couldn’t earn a living with your hobbies, having them is worth it because they can motivate you after you leave office. Nurture the talents inside you and they will keep you happy, which is vital for your health and performance at workplace.

 6.He is successful, so I will also be

Peer pressure is counter-productive to personality assessment of an individual. Don’t coax yourself to become like someone else. Focus on your talents instead.

 7.Your degrees determine your future

Professionals across all walks of life have made it big despite having modest educational qualifications. If you are determined with a drive to excel in your field, you’ll excel without stating your degrees.

 8.You’re in a job for life

Your career is an evolutionary journey of your capabilities and if your workplace stagnates you and holds you back, you should opt out.

 9.You have no talent

Every human being is a specialist in some field. Identify your talents and take time to choose your job, no matter how unconventional. Sooner or later, it would all be fine.

 10.Always beat others to win the race

Organisations evaluate candidates individually and only those succeed who compete with themselves. Challenge yourselves tirelessly to excel.

 11.Perfect jobs don’t exist

Every job provides certainty, provided you dedicate your time and attention to tasks. Be particular, transparent, ethical and hardworking, and you’ll get the perfect job – the one you always wanted.

Keep fighting these 11 myths and remind yourself everyday that these are just myths.

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