By: Ravinder Gurtoo 
Hey The Birds Of Paradise Kashmir…
Today Morning One Of Your Cousins Chirruped On The Window Of My House In Exile Forcing Me To Think Of You.
I Remember Your Early Morning Call On My Window Back Home And Waking Me Up By Your Morning Chatters When I Used To Be With You Long Back.
Your Good Morning Tweet Still Occupies My Mind.
It Was Dead Dark Night Of Winter And You Were In Deep Sleep In Your Roost (Nest On The Attic Of Your And My Home) When I Left You Uninformed.
 I Always Feel Guilty Of That. I left Leaving You Alone. I Had No Option.
I Remember My Childhood When My Grandmother Used To Call You Early Morning To The Window Shelf And Feed You With Love. Your Flying All The Day Over The Roof Of My Home Was Making My Home A Pilgrimage.
 You And Your Friends Were Roaming In My Habitat All The Day Giving Me A Feeling Of Security. What A Wonderful Time That Was.
I Know You Also Are Frightened By The Loud Blare Of The Babble Around You. Your Home On  Rooftop Of Our Home Was Also Set Ablaze Leaving You Homeless Like Me.
You Are Also A Victim Of Circumstances. Let’s Hope We Meet Again And Sing Every Morning Together.
Give My Love To Your Dear One’s If They Are Alive.

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